Need a detailed description of all markings/features, serial number, finsih, condition, box, papers, accessories, etc.. has Winchester sn tables.
50-500 usd
Serial number 888466 was produced by Winchester in the year 1921.
Impossible to value with just the serial number. Broad range of 50-500 USD. Made 1943-49
10-1000 usd
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1896.
10-1000 USD based on condition, box, papers, accessories, finish, etc..
You will have to look up the serial number.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1900.
Winchester Model 1894 serial number 453986 was manufactured in the year 1910. The value can only be determined by a visual inspection & evaluation. Bert H.
Manufactured between 1943 and 1948.