Virtually no way to value an item without a detailed description of all markings, features, accessories, box, papers, etc.. Check on line auctions , Blue Book of Gun Values or gun shows/shops for one closest to what you have.
That will depend on the Model of shotgun you are asking about,along with the overall condition of your Winchester shotgun?
100-1000 USD or so
your model 12 Winchester pump shotgun was made in 1951 as to value in fine condition I have seen them from 550.00 dollars and up.
It depends on the original condition. $250-5,000.
What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun? What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun?
Winchester did not make a model 810 wingmaster shotgun.Remington made a model 870 Wingmaster shotgun,is this what you are asking about?
Your Winchester model 120 ranger shotgun will be valued at between 90-200 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Winchester 1897 pump riot shotgun ser# 296799 what year made?
Yes, a well maintained 1961 Winchester 20 gauge model 12 pump shotgun is in good condition.
Between 90-220 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the shotgun,type of barrel(plain,vent rib)and the gauge of the shotgun.
No not to my knowledge but Winchester did.