That will depend on the Model of shotgun you are asking about,along with the overall condition of your Winchester shotgun?
There is no 1600 series
A million dollars. ;)
200 dollars
If your shotgun has good wood and blueing,then the Winchester model 12 shotgun will bring between 275-450 dollars on today,s market.The gauge of the shotgun helps also with the 12 gauge being the most prevalant,and the 16 gauge and 20 gauge being produced a lot less,hence more value.
The exact value of a Winchester model 120 Ranger 12 gauge shotgun with Winchoke is actually dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and condition of the shotgun.
100-300 usd
125-200 dollars.
100-1000 USD
50-500 usd
100-400 USD