currently a mint condition nickle 586 is worth roughly 850.00 -1100.00 dollars depending on the mood of the buyer. i recently picked up one from a pawn shop that was brand new never fired in the original case. they were asking 650.00 but i traded a sks and a british enfield for it. i paid 200.00 for the sks and 150.00 for the enfield. i have had numerous offers for the gun since i bought it. the best was 1100.00 dollars.####WAIT!!Not true, I own a Nickel 586, and it was also sold in stainless as the 686!!!!
In response to what is written above:
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a nickel 586...that is the model 686. The 586 is blued. It is a less expensive (and a little less sought after) gun.
Also, if you picked one up new in the original case never fired for $650 from a pawn shop (that I'm sure upcharged it), where do you base your "850-1100" figure? Seems you can get them for $650 from a house that marks a high percentage.
5 years ago (2005) I picked my 586 up for $600 from a dealer. Adjust for inflation from there
Not true, I own a Nickel 586!, It was also available in stainless!
(My mistake, I did not realize that they were made. However, it does not change the fact that these handguns are not in the 850-1100 range. Even according to the OP, who said they were asking 650, and he traded 350 worth of goods for it) -Dooligan
50-500 usd
50-550 usd
Your question cannot be answered without you providing the serial number to your model 586 Smith and Wesson revolver.
100-550 USD
50-350 usd
Early 80s
50-800 usd
100-500 or more depending on specifics
50-500 usd
300-500 depending on if "mint" is really "mint"
100-400 USD