Most Ruger No 1 rifles will bring between 550-900 dollars depending on the overall condition and a good bore.
Impossible to value on just the serial number. Call Ruger and they will tell you how old.
There is no such model number assocaited with the Ruger Bearcat. Do you mean the serial number is 918?
Impossible to value with just the serial number.
The Ruger website shows that serial number range to be late 1974 to early 1975.
50-500 usd
Value of ANY firearm is based on EXACT make and model and condition- serial number does not tell us that. Value for the Ruger pistols can range from $100 to $350 or so.
Ruger will tell you if you phone customer service.
10-200 USD or so
50-500 US Dollars
100-1000 USD depending on specifics