If you look closely, I think it's a Sportsman 48 instead. Anywhere from $100-$300 depending on condition and options.
what is the market value of a remington 20 gauge semi-automatic sportsman 58 shotgun?
About 275 in good condition
awesome guns, great collector excellent condition worth $3000 I have one for sale :)
The value of a 20 gauge Remington Sportsman 58 would actually depend on a number of things. A couple of those things would be the age and condition.
remington wingmaster 16 gauge
75-400 USD
what is a remington 20ga shotgun patented 1891,1903,1904 worth?
Tough question, the Remington model 550 is a .22 rifle not a 12 gauge shotgun.
50-200 usd
First of all you have the "sportsman 48", "sportsman 58" and the "sportsman". If it is a plain sportsman it's value depending on it's condition is from 150 to 200 dollars.
* about Y8.50. if your throw some ammo you may be able to fetch up to Y10.00 (yen)