A used ADL well go for about 375.00 in good shape. A BDL used is about 395.00 to 410.00. I don't know if this is a good price or not but I'm buying a BDL in .30-06 in 90% for 395.00. Thats what I have found lately in gun shops used gun section.
I recently came across the 700 ADL at Wal-Mart. It was a 30-06 and they were asking $518.00.
You can purchase a new gun for around 380 dollars. Your gun is worth about 250 dollars in the used market.
$250 to $450
Standard factory 222 Remington ADL has a 1/14 twist rate.
700 ADL Long Action
This will depend on the market. Remington is a good brand of gun so you may be able to get a good price for it.
In 1962.
A remington 700 say 35 years old in average condition is worth around 300.00
100-500 USD depending on condition.
The sportsman 78 model Remington is the same as a Remington 700 adl, but i have yet to find whether to buy a short or long action stock for mine... so i would just go for a rem 700 adl stock
Standard AKA long action