In NEW condition it's worth about $300 (it's not a good seller)...
75-200 USD
I can sell you my 591 only thing is I don't have the mag if interested my email is
Find a good metal shop and provide them them the dimensions.
In NEW condition it's worth about $300 (not a good seller)...
your 5mm rifle is selling for about 150.00 for clip feed , 175.00 to 200.00 im tube feed in 95% cond. ammo is selling for 75.00 to 85.00 abox less if you can buy 5 boxs and add shippimg
Well, isn't that a happy little question! You can find parts for your 5mm Remington 592m bolt action rifle at your local gun shop or online retailers that specialize in gun parts. Just remember, it's all about enjoying the process of fixing up your rifle and bringing it back to its full potential. Happy hunting for those parts, my friend!
Remington's web site has a model history section. Ammunition hard to find so value not that great. Maybe 100 or so USD
Two models were made in 5mm caliber. The Model 591 has a 5-shot detachable magazine. The Model 592 has a tubular style magazine under the barrel. These guns were made from 1970 until 1974 only. Ammunition is no longer made for the Remington .20 caliber (5mm) rimfire. Original ammo, if you can find any, is going for around $50.00 plus, for a box of 50. Value for either model will vary upon condition. If you have one in 100% condition it may fetch around $150-$175.
Try Old Western Scrounger.
I believe you are asking about a Sheridan .20 cal (5mm) air rifle. They started to make this rifle in 1949 and stopped in 1990 ( sheridan sliverstreak model ) During the 1990's the name changed to C9 sliverstreak and C9 bluestreak. The value is determined by the current condition of the rifle. You did not give any such information , therefor I can not answer you.
Sheridan air rifles who is owned by Crosman Sheridans are 5mm air rifles
I paid $100 for one and plan to rebarrel it. Hard to sell with the cost of ammo for them. Just produced some ammo so value is helped. I want another for the action.