A Remongton 510 .22 cal single shot rifle can be worth from $100-$1200 depending on the care and condition of the rifle. These rifles were manufactured between 1939-1962, and they are becoming very rare and harder to find.
value of Remington targetmaster model 41 cal 22rifle
Depending on condition, around $150.
current value of a 1941 Remington 510 22cal rifle
100 USD or so.
They were made from 1936-1941, few after 1939. Value depends on condition.
Remington didn't make a model 55 rifle, nylon or otherwise. Autoloader, lever, or Bolt, Clip or Tub, letters on left side of barrel?
value of your Remington nylon 11 is from $500-700, there is one for sale on guns America now listed for $660.
What is value of a US Remington Model 03-A3?
The Model 41 TargetMaster sells in the $100-$150 range in top condition. sales@countrygunsmith.net
50-1000 depending on specifics
Go to http://www.remingtonsociety.com/forums/ and ask. Describe all the markings and provide pictures if possible.