I believe you have a Remington model 24,if so these .22 cal semi-auto rifles were made between 1922-1935.The value of these remingtons are between 115-250 dollars depending on the overall condition of the rifle and a good bore.
1913 Remington MINT 750.00 U.S.
Remington never made a Model 1905 22 rifle.
what is the value of a 1945 single shot 22
value of Remington targetmaster model 41 cal 22rifle
Which model, what condition?
current value of a 1941 Remington 510 22cal rifle
The value of a 1969 Remington 22 long rifle is determined by the condition of the gun. This model in excellent condition sells for around 300.00 as of 2014.
Value will depend on which Model you have and the condition it is in.
Which model, what condition, condition, and condition?????
Around $500 in good condition.
Depends radically on what model and what condition...