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These where made from 1932-1936 (162,941 total). If it is just a 34 with no letter designation then if in 90% condition it is worth about $125.

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depending on the condition of coarse,300 to 500.Original parts,original condition etc,,,

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Q: What is the value of a Remington 22 model 34 A?
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How much is a Remington 22 rifle model 34 serial?

it is 56 Remington rifle model

What is the value of a Remington 22 model 34?

$75-$150, depending on condition. Dealers want $200-$250, though. There is a model 34A which is a bit rarer and worth a bit more, but you indicated:"model 34".

What is the age of a 22 caliber Remington model 34 rifle serial 13140?

1932-1935 - see Remington Society link

What year did they come out with the Remington .22 cal. model 34?

It was made only from 1932 - 1935

What is a Remington Model?


Where can you buy parts for Remington model 34 22 cal bolt action rifle?

Website for gunpartscorp

Where can you find information about a Remington 22 long rifle patent pending Model 34?

Made from 1932-1936. Value can reach $400 in excellent condition.

What is the value of a Remington model 34 serial number 238226?

Model34 serial numbers ended @ 163,000

How can you find the mfg date of a Remington 22 model 34?

Look at the date code on the barrel. Details on the Remington Society of America, manufactured date link.

What is the age and value of a Remington Model 34 22 cal bolt action rifle serial no 89532?

The model 34 was made from 1932-1935 and will be marked on the barrel with a month/year date code right in front of receiver on left side. Please check the associated links for a pointer to the details and table on the Remington Society of America website.

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What is the value of a 22 LR caliber Stevens Model 34 made by Stevens?

The value of a Stevens Model 34 22 LR caliber rifle is between $100 and $300. The overall condition of the rifle plays a large part in the final price.