Value of ANY gun depends on exact make, model, and condition, In the case of newer guns, we can give you an approximate RANGE of values, but your rifle's value will depend heavily on condition. You might take it to a local gun show where collectors are gathered in one spot.
10-1000 USD or so
Depends entirely on what coin it is.
Depends on who he is
2500 try 3000
In order to assign a value to your Winchester model 1895 rifle,I would need a more detailed description of the overall condition of the rifle in question.These rifles are very collectable and you would be wise to have a member of the Winchester collectors assoc.evaluate your rifle and assess a hard value to your rifle.This will be based on the overall remaining finish on the rifle,any special order options it may have,and the rarity of the rifles caliber.
All my references indicate that the winchester model 1895 was never chambered in 38-55 winchester caliber.Is it possable that your rifle was rechambered in the past?Please check your caliber again.It could be that your rifle is chamered in 38-72 win.
It means they began making that MODEL of Mauser in 1895. You will need to have someone that knows older Mauser makes a hands on assessment of your rifle. Value depends on make, model, condition- and with military riles, originality- modifications lose value.
In U.S. Dollars?
Impossible to answer without an inspection of the rifle in person. Value of a collectable rifle is driven by the condition to a very large degree. It could range from $800 to $3000.
If we are talking about a original Winchester model 1895 rifle chambered in .405Win.caliber?The value will be between 1,100 dollars for a rifle showing 10% of its original finish,up to a fine example showing 70% of its original finish being worth 3,250 dollars.On top of these prices,because your rifle is chambered in .405 Win. caliber you can add another 75% to the above listed values.It would be best if you had a Winchester collectors assoc.member evaluate your rifle for a more exact value.
I can start you in the right direction.This was a military contract for the model 1895 mauser by the chilean government.These rifles and carbines were produced by mauser at there facility of loew in Berlin Germany. they produced four different types of 1895 mauser,the 1895 rifle army model,1895 rifle anchor crest,model 1895 short rifle,and 1895 carbine.these are good quality mauser small ring rifles.please remember that they cannot with stand the pressures of the large ring 1898 rifle.
There is too much variation in value, depending on condition of the rifle, to be able to answer the question. For a standard sporting rifle: EXC V.G. Good Fair Poor $5000 $3000 $1200 $700 $300 For a fancy sporting rifle: $6500 $4500 $1500 $1100 $500 Take the rifle to a local gunsmith for an appraisal of condition.