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remington model1100 410 serial n283970h

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Q: What is the value of a Remington 1100 LW 410 gauge?
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Value of a Remington model 1100 410 gauge sterling marlin shotgun?

Not sure what they are worth but I look at one at my local gunshop today and they are asking $3,995.00.

What is the value of a Remington 410 Gauge Shotgun Model 1148?

It all depends on the condition. These are pretty old (not the best design) Thus the Remington 1100 came along. If it's a 3" chamber and in decent condition, I would pay $200.00 . The 1100 is much more sought after. Terry

What year Remington model 1100 410 gauge serial no L155295H?

year 1974 found out from remington from a post on this site thanks rwb 71942@hotmail ,com

How much is a 410 and 28 gauge matched set of Remington 1100 series shotguns worth?

roughly in good condition 1800.00

Who makes 410 gauge autoloading shotguns?

there are several makers of the 410 auto-loader. my favorite is the Saiga .410, ( it is a military style tough looking gun. the other makers are: Rmiington, model 1100, sporting 410 , and I think that might be all. the Remington 1100 is a nice shooting gun. worthy of the Remington name.

What is the age and value of a Remington Model 11-80 410 shotgun?

There was no Remington Model 11-80. The Model 11-87 was/is not produced in .410. The Model 1100 semiauto and the Model 11-48 semiauto were.

What is the value of a Remington 1148 410 gauge semi-automatic shotgun from 1968?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics.

What is the value of Remington 410 gauge pump shotgun?

A Remington 870 .410 Wingmaster produced between 1964 & 1994 with a plane barrel and in fair condition (80%) is worth about $265.00. A .410 that is like new (98%) and with a VR is worth $575.00. lcj

Did Remington make a model 12 in 410 gauge?


What is the value of eaa 410 gauge shotgun?

What is the value oof a .410 gauge shotgun

Trying to find out what companies have made a 410 shot gun in a automatic?

I'm sure there have been several. I have a Remington 1100 in .410.

What is my 410 ga Remington 11-48 auto value?

100-400 USD