depending on the condition 80 to 120. they were cheap guns. made for a department store. mines only worth bout 100
The Montgomery Ward Western Field 16 gauge 550b shotgun is valued at $200 in excellent condition. Fair condition value is $75.
$50 in good condition
The Western Field model 550C was manufactured by Mossberg for Montgomery Wards.
It is a shotgun manufactured by the Remington Co. for Montgomery Ward's between 1957 and 1959. About 1200 were made.
Less than $100.
It was made by Iver Johnson after their Champion Model for Montgomery Ward
75 - 100 bucks i have the same one ... good luck finding parts
who made montgomery wards bolt action 20 ga shotgun with a clip.
Impossible to answer. There were several makes and models of 12 g shotgun sold by Montgomery Ward under their Westernfield label.