You need to provide the serial number
1870-1910 or so
Impossible to value with just a serial number.
You just read it.
Hopkins and Allen purchased Forehand Arms in 1902, so sometime between then and 1915 when the company closed.
The Hopkins & Allen 832 was chambered in .32 RinFire Short.
Have H&A 32cal with serial number z249 .How old and whats it worth.
There is noway to tell what gague a shotgun is just from the serial number. Take it to a gunsmith.
There is no serial number data for the Company Hopkins and Allen in the private sector available.This firm was in business from 1867-1916.No laws required serial numbers at that time,and those that were marked with a serial number have no records remaining today.If you have a single shot shotgun,these were made from 1887-1902.If the markings say Hopkins and Allen Manufg.Co.Norwich,Conn on the gun then this was made from before 1896.If you have a double barrel shotgun,then these were made from 1902-1916,when they went out of business.