The manner in which you have asked your question almost guarantees it can not be answered with any degree of accuracy. You do not provide the gauge or type action. You need to give the overall condition, serial number, finish, sights, accessories, box, papers, any engraving, etc.. You might be in the 100-1000 USD and up range depending on specifics.
Need a detailed description
Provide detailed description of ALL markings.
Exactly how is the shotgun marked (all markings), and double-check the serial number.
Blue Book of Gun Values will help.
How much is a sterlingworth 12 gauge double barrle shot gun serial #101254 in good condition be worth
5 bux
depends on condition- $400-$750
$500 to $2000 depending on condition and when it was made.
1929 gun that should bring $700 plus if in truly excellent shape.
Impossible to value with just the serial number and "shotgun".
That serial number would be a 20ga gun built in 1912. That is a true Fox Sterlingworth, made in Philadelphia, before the Savage buyout. Value depends on condition, which is typically described by the percentage of case color remaining on the receiver and percentage of bluing remaining on the barrels. For example, a gun similar to yours with 50% case color remaining, and 80% blue and wood finish remaining, is currently listed at $2800.
price value of browning shotgun serial number 35354