i gave 100 dollars for mine and i think i got it cheap hope this helps
$125 dollars
Your savage model 99 was made by savage arms in 1950,these model 99,s are selling for between 400-650 dollars depending on the overall condition of the bore,metal finish and amount of original finish left on the wood.
The value of any firearm is based on MAKE, MODEL and CONDITION. We need all 3. There are several different verities of the Model 99. You will need a hands on appraisal. Sorry, but not enough info to give you a real answer.
With the serial number that you provided,your savage model 99 rifle was made by savage arms in 1901.These savage model 1899 rifles have a value of between 600-1,000 dollars based on the rifle having between 60%-80% original finish and a good bore.
I have a model 99 .300 Savage and I am curious of the value. I have no idea what year it was manufactured but it is in excellent condition.
Google Numrich Arms. They have many parts.
Your answer may be found at savage arms web site.They should be able to help date your savage model 99.There is also a site dedicated to the savage model 99.Just type in savage model 99 in your search engine.
1997/98 time frame.
Value always depends on condition and model. The 99's are sought after. You could be in the 3-$600 range for a later year model, and as high as $1200 to $2,000 for earlier models
Is there a letter such as B,or F that follows your model 99 number on this rifle?This would greatly help in establishing a a value on your model 1899 that was produced in 1920.Is this a takedown frame model also?.
A web site entitled the model 99 should be able to help you locate the date of manufacture for your Savage model 99 rifle.