Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below.
The Higgins 101.1 was made by Savage as a Model 94. It's only value is as a shooter.
I couldnt tell ya ats why Im here lol
50-150 USD or so
1110 0101 1101 1011 is E5DB
from what ive found out around 150 to 250
The address of the Flagler Model Railroad Club And Museum Inc is: Po Box 1011, Bunnell, FL 32110-1011
Converted to decimal, the binary number 10111011 would be expressed as 187. If the space in the question indicates a separation between two numbers, then "1011 1011" would be expressed in decimal notation as "11 11".
50 to 100 dollars
sears roebuck and company
The first ten positive integer multiples of 1011 are: 1 x 1011 = 1011 2 x 1011 = 2022 3 x 1011 = 3033 4 x 1011 = 4044 5 x 1011 = 5055 6 x 1011 = 6066 7 x 1011 = 7077 8 x 1011 = 8088 9 x 1011 = 9099 10 x 1011 = 10110
High standard made your sears model 35.I know this because im looking for parts for my high standard and found out the sears model 35 are the same gun.By the way im still looking for parts so if you know someone with an old beat up high standard model p-1011 or a sears model 35 I need parts or a parts gun reasonable.Numrich has some parts bob's who is supposed to have millions of gun parts don't have any for my p-1011.Right now there are some parts on gunbroker under Hi Standard P 1011 this is how you have to type it in they misspelled high standard.I even emailed high standard and they couldn't help me I think they just build pistols now.If you know of any body wanting to sell either a high standard model p-1011 or a sears model 35 give me a email at Thanks if you email me please put something in the subject box so I will know it is from you and not just junk mail.Thanks Again