Please state the current condition of the pistol and is it still working? The 130 was made between 1953-70. Give it a rating, is it in Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair or Poor condition. Without more information it is not possible to give an estimate of value
This model was made for Sears by Crosman air gun Co. In actuality it is a Crosman model 130. It was made from 1953 through 1970 in two variations. I am unable to give an estimate of value with out knowing the condition of the pistol. Condition determines the value.
Need more information as to the model. Crosman made several .22 cal pistols.
If I am right the pistol was made by By Crosman for Sears under the JC Higgins name. It's a Crosman model 600. 22 Cal C02 pistol. Made between 1960 and 1970. Value is determined by the current condition. Without more information about the working and current condition it is not possible to set a value.
The model 600 was made between 1960-1970 it is a .22 caliber pellet pistol, in the condition you describe it is worth in the area of $275. Plus, add 20% for original box and papers.
This pistol was made by Crosman and it's really a model 150. The current value stands around (In Excellent Condition) $90- $110 BUT, add 30% for the Sears Ted Williams version.
Crosman has made several model .22 Caliber pistols. Please state the model number. The condition of the gun and is it still working?
This 22 cal pistol was made by Crosman Co for Sears. It is a model 130, Mfg 1953-1970. To assess the value I need to know the condition of the pistol, is it excellent, good, fair, poor. You can find the manual for the 130 on the Crosman web page see the link below
I assume you are asking about the Crosman model 36 Frontier. If this is the right pistol then please state the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Vary Good or Excellent condition?
I can find no record of Crosman ever making a model 3101 but they did make a model 3100 from 1987-90 See the link below for the full list of old Crosman models
This was made by Crosman air gun, It's a model 150. Unfortunately you did not state the condition of the air gun so no estimate of value can be given. Give more details there are more than 20 variations of the pistol It was Mfg between 1954-67
This pistol was made in 2 variations from 1953-54 and then from 1955-70. In fair condition it would be worth around $25 to $40. see the link below for the owners manual
If you want an answer then you need to state the model number and the condition of the pistol. Also is it still working?