In excellent condition these can go in excess of 1000 dollars. Unfired in like new substantially more. The lower quality A version goes for about half that.
1964 mod 101 = 45
999 MOD 1000 = 999
100-400 USD
the answer is 5
Find the value of y in the mod 9 system.5 x y = 4
To determine the exact value of a Beretta Mod A 303, a number of different factors would need to be considered. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the shotgun.
The value is $40-$150 depending on condition, location, need etc.
Matrix guitar mod 1637 value € 2000,00
The value assigned to the Integer answer variable will be 3. This is because 45 modulo 6 equals 3, so the value of the statement 45 Mod 6 is 3.