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Seen a 45 colt model sell yesterday for $800,unfired centennial model. Hope that helps. Today I bought the 94AE .357 mag Trapper [short, round barrel], new in box, for $725.

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Q: What is the value of a 357 magnum Winchester Model 94AE?
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I would say that with the serial number provided,your Winchester model 94AE was made in 1999-2000.

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What year was your Winchester model 94AE with seerial number 5518589?

With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 94AE was made in the year 1989.

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Your Winchester is valued at between 275-350 dollars depending on the overall condition.

Winchester model 94ae?

Angle Eject

When did the Winchester model 94ae come out?


What age is my win 94ae 6032266?

I believe your Winchester model 94ae was made in 1992.

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200-300 dollars.