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If your Buffalo Bill commemorative rifle,and or carbine model is unfired(new in the box)condition.Then your rifle would be worth 695 dollars.If it has been fired,or hunted with then the value would be 250-350 dollars.If you have the Buffalo Bill 1 of 300 presentation model,new in unfired condition?The value would be 3,250 dollars.

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Q: What is the value of a 30-30 Winchester Buffalo Bill?
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Your Winchester buffalo bill commemorative was made in 1968.

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If your buffalo bill commemorative rifle is unfired(new in the box) and the box is still with the rifle then these are currently valued at 695 dollars.

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If it has been fired around $500.00

How can you find the date made on a Winchester buffalo bill commemorative edition serial?

The Winchester Buffalo Bill Commemorative rifle,or carbine were made in the year 1968.

How much is a Winchester buffalo bill worth?

If you have the Buffalo Bill rifle,or Carbine model.The value will be 695 dollars for a rifle or Carbine that is new in the box(Unfired) and the box with it.If you have a Buffalo bill one of 300 presentation model,then th value will be 3,250 dollars for the same unfired(new in the box condition).

How much is a buffalo bill winchester rifle worth?

If you have the Buffalo Bill rifle,or Carbine model.The value will be 695 dollars for a rifle or Carbine that is new in the box(Unfired) and the box with it.If you have a Buffalo bill one of 300 presentation model,then th value will be 3,250 dollars for the same unfired(new in the box condition).

What is the age of a Buffalo Bill Commemorative rifle serial wc69957?

Your buffalo bill comm.rifle was made by Winchester in 1968.