Not much Remington pretends that model never existed, woefull trigger assembly. I would be happy getting anything near or over 100 bucks for a 525 . Based on my own experience. I never had a rifle literaly fall apart on me before , and I take good care of them.
I have seen the priced $450 - $525.
"blue book" value lists the 1100 lt20: new in box=525, excellent=450.
your Remington model 725 in good condition would be worth between 400-525 dollars.there were only 2,784 made in this caliber.between 1958-1961.
300-525 USD
50-525 usd
50-525 USD or so
50-525 usd
the model 1884 trapdoor is going for 525-1,400 depending on condition of the rifle.
50-525 usd
50-525 usd
If we are talking about a Browning Citori model 525 sporting shotgun,then the value will be between 695-1,400 dollars based on your shotgun having between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining,and a good set of bores.
Your Winchester model 59 in the stated mint condition will bring between 450-525 dollars on todays market.