Depends on condition, accessories, box, manual, etc.. Range from 150-300 USD.
I presume your talking about the Mossberg .22 caliber rifle. If so, it was made from 1960 to 1971.
50-500 usd
20-140 usd
100-300 USD
Need to know the finish and overall condition.
The Winchester 270 .22 was first introduced in 1963. It is not a collector item, or "rare". It is however a very good .22 rifle which should be enjoyed as a great little gun. Value could range from $100 - $300 depending on the condition. I have one that was given to me by my father and I will keep it forever, because of sentimental value, and because it truly is a great gun. ty
Made by Marlin and is a version of the Model 336. Probably 1950's-1960's. In excellent shape, can bring $200-$225.
I have such a rifle. It was purchased by an older brother (deceased) in the early 1960's. However, it's value is unknown to me too.
i have read that the model 37 was made between 1960-74. in fair condition is worth $130.00. if it is in excellant cond. with box at least double that amount. i also have one. it shoots straigh and is in above average condition. a very handsome rifle with good color stock and grip.
125 USD
Made by Mosssberg 1953-1960, value $100-$150, depending on condition.