I have seen these pre-64 model 1894,s selling for between 375-550 dollars depending on the overall original condition of the wood and metal,and bore.
No way to value with just the serial number.
Impossible to value a weapon with only the serial number and no other information.
Impossible to value with only the serial number.
Proofhouse.com has serial number tables for Winchester.
Impossible to value a weapon with only the serial number.
Depends on the serial number... Look up Winchester serial numbers..
Impossible to answer. You did not provide the serial number or a description
Virtually impossilbe to value with only the serial number.
No way to value with only the serial number and no other information.
If you mean the serial number is 1, Winchester never made one with serial number 1.
Please state the Winchester model number,serial number,and the caliber or gauge of your firearm so that you could receive a answer to your question.
Impossible to value with just the serial number.