The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle which was made during the World War II years (1943-1948) will bring between 350-500 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1943.The serial number range for that year was 1,221,289-1,267,741 approximate.
You have a Winchester model 1894 rifle that was produced during the World War II years.(1943-1948).during this time span Winchester did not record the serial numbers by year of production.These rifles bring between 300-550 dollars depending on overall condition.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle,which was made between 1943-1948(the war years) will bring between 350-550 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle is valued at between 350-550 dollars for a winchester model 1894 made during the war years 1943-1948.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made during the world war II years.The record,s at Winchester were not kept when your rifle was made.Therfore I can say that your Winchester model 1894 was produced between 1943-1948.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle which was made during the world war II years of 1943-1948 is valued at between 350-550 dollars depending on condition.
1943-1948 is as close as you can get. Records are incomplete.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle which was made during the World War II years(1943-1948) When Winchester did not keep production records will bring between 350-550 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was produced some time between 1943-1948.Winchester did not keep records of the model 1894 rifle during the World War II years.A rifle with between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining will bring between 375-550 dollars.You may receive more if it has any special order features that could be had at that time,or the right person comes along.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made during the war years of 1943-1948 when Winchester did not keep records of the model 1894 production.I will say that the model 1894 winchester serial numbers started at 1,287,469 in 1942.The next serial number was started at 1,500,001 in 1949.If I had to guess I would say 1948.
Records are incomplete, so 1943-48 is as close as you can get.