These winchester model 1894 rifles are currently valued at between 375-550 dollars depending on the amount of original finish remaining on your rifle and a good bore.
What year is a Winchester Model 74 Serial 354097A. Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1941,with the serial number 106,782.The serial number 354097A was made at the end of the year in 1953.
the value of your model 75 Winchester depends on many conditional values such as amount of blueing left wood condition etc. but your model 75 Winchester was made in 1941.
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 61 was made in the year 1941.
Your Winchester model 12 shotgun dates from the year 1941,with the serial number provided.
Your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1941 with the serial number that you provided.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1941.
your Winchester model 12 was made in 1941.
your Winchester model 12 was made in 1941.
your Winchester model 70 rifle was made in 1941.
Winchester Model 62A serial number 143838 was manufactured in December 1941. Bert
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1941.