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50-500 USD or more depending on specifics.

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Q: What is the value of a 1904 Browning 12 gauge shotgun?
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How much is a browning 12 gauge shotgun 1904 b in excellent condition worth?

I would need to know if we are talking about a browning auto-5 shotgun made in 1904?Please let me know and I will be able to give you a accurate value of your shotgun.Also include if it is a standard model or a grade II,Grade III, etc.

Value on a marlin 12 gauge pump shotgun year 1904?

To determine exact value of a 1904 Marlin 12 gauge pump shotgun, you would actually have to take a number of factors into consideration. The main thing to consider would be the condition of the shotgun.

How old is a browning A5 shotgun with serial number 4968?

That is a very early serial number!If you have a auto-5 12 gauge shotgun,then the year of manufacture is 1904.If you have a 16 gauge shotgun,then the year of manufacture is between 1910-1912.

Where can you find information about a 12 gauge Lefever Arms Co 1872 double barrel shotgun patent 7880858687 serial 47091?

Made in 1904. Value depends on grade and condition.

Who invented the 28 ga shotgun?

The first 28 gauge shotgun on the commercial market appeared in 1904. It was made and sold by the Parker Arms Company.

What is the value of a ithaca 1904 lewis boxlock double barrel grade 5 engraved 12 gauge shotgun stamped?

Your shotgun will range in price from 1,325 dollars-3,000 dollars for a shotgun with between 10%-50% of its original finish remaining,good wood,and a good set of bores.

What is the year and value of a browning auto 5 12 gauge shotgun made in Belgium with a serial 12786?

Well, by this serial number alone it would make it a gun made in 1904, but it peobably wouldn't be a Browning. FN made the guns for worldwide sales and not just Browning. A few thousand guns were made for the Browning Automatic Arms Co. and shipped around that time in 190-3 and 04. Chances are, that you have a gun with a letter preceeding the 12786, or a letter above the number such as "H" or "L", "M" or "G". It could have letter number combo such as "2V". If there are or is a letter above the number, list the whole number, otherwise give details of the address on the barrel to verify 1904.

When was the date of manufacture of J Stevens Arms Co 12 gauge military model 520-30 pump action shotgun?

This shotgun was introduced in 1904 and ceased production in 1932.

What is the age of a 12 gauge Model 1897 12 gauge SN 251731?

With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1897 pump action shotgun was made in the year 1904.

Who made the sears ranger model 30 12 gauge shotgun?

The Ranger Model 30 was built by Stevens between 1904 & 1932.

You would like to know the value of a marlin 12 gauge pump shotgun model 19 Patton 4-2-1889 - march and November of 1904 under the magazine an id 99128 and by barrel 105028b?

50-160 USD

What is the value of 1904 model rodgers machine gun?

Despite the marking, you have a shotgun. Not worth more than 150 USD if that.