To determine the exact value of a 1895 Sterling 410 side by side shotgun, a number of factors would need to be considered. Most importantly, the condition of the shotgun.
Where can i find info on a Reno Shotgun
you would need to include if the shotgun in question is a sweet-sixteen auto-5 shotgun,or a browning side by side,or a standard weight auto-5 shotgun and the condition of your shotgun to get a accurate value .
Seldom exceed 100 USD
50-100 USD
The value of a 410 shotgun depends on the make and model of the gun. If it is a single shot and made by Stevens the value would be approximately $70.00; however if it is a side by side the value is more. There has been some of these guns on the Internet for $55,000.00.
50-250 USD
it is worth 200,000pounds
100-1000 or so
50-200 USD