The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth. Bert H.
What is the value of a Model 62 Winchester .22 rifle with serial 21072
What is the year and value of a 30-30 Winchester model 94AE rifle serial # 649534
The value of a Winchester rifle serial number 1890 2025 depends on a couple different things. The age and condition would be very important in determining the value.
Your rifle was made in the year 1951.
1894 winchestre rifle sin 8161 approximate value
1894 winchestre rifle sin 8161 approximate value
Rifle or shotgun? What type of action?
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1960.
In order to get a accurate value for the rifle in question,you will need to add the model number of the rifle,and the overall condition of the rifle to your question along with the serial number.
If your winchester centennial rifle is unfired(new in the box) with the box and tags,its value is 675 dollars.
A serial number would be needed to age your rifle,and a report on the overall condition of your rifle to get a value.
The value can be between $1,700 to $3,000 depending upon the serial # and the condition of the rifle and box.