The value of any firarm is based on the exact make, model and condition. We need all 3- you have given us NONE of the 3.
Please be more specific. The Bicentennial was in 1976 not 1776.
The date is 1776-1976. None of the bicentennial quarters struck general circulation have any silver or are more than face value.
Take another look at that coin. The date on bicentennial dollars says 1776-1976.
It's still worth 25 cents.
The US did not make bicentennial pennies like they did with the quarter, half dollar, and dollar coin.
The 3 coin Bicentennial Proof set has a current retail value of $30.00 Issue price was $15.00
All of the Bicentennial coins with the dual date of 1776-1976 struck for circulation have face value only regardless of denomination.
They're still worth 50 cents.
It's just a Bicentennial quarter, spend it.
All circulating bicentennial coinage is worth face value.