It is not possible for you to have a "Model 97" in 30-06. The Winchester Model 97 is a shotgun, and was made in 12-gauge of 16-gauge. The only Winchester models that were or are chambered for the 30-06 rifle cartridge are the Model 54 bolt-action rifle, and the Model 70 bolt-action rifle series.
around $700 Excellent condition.
The value of any gun depends on its condition. Typically, in good condition, a Winchester model 97 12 ga shotgun will have a value of around $350 to $500.
please check your model number again,the Winchester model 97 was a shotgun and therefore not chambered in a rifle cartridge(44-40Win).
A million dollars. ;)
Blue Book of Gun Values
Impossible to answer without a detailed description
10-600 usd
My records indicate that your Winchester model 1897 was made by Winchester in 1901.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by Winchester in 1942.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by Winchester in 1927.