The stainless 2206 is worth about $285 in good condition. It is more sought after than the blued model 422 or the alloy 622.
50-165 USD
Blue Book of Gun Values
Blue Book of Gun Values
Value of Smith and Wesson .38 V437862
Value of Smith and Wesson .38 V437862
Contact S&W via their website. If you can't download one they will send you one for free.
Try gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, estate sales, garage sales, for sale ads.
I purchased a used Smith & Wesson 4013 for $350.00
What is the value of my 1955 smith & wesson 45 target master revolver?
about 1000
e age and or value of smith and wesson 38 serial number 3k36--- please
50-550 usd