Value of ANY gun is based on EXACT make, model, variety and condition. You need a hands-on appraisal.
2000 or so
Try this link from Remington.
It's a solid $850 shotgun, I don't think you can find one for less.
You can expect to pay between three to four hundred dollars for a basic Remington 1100 12 gauge, unless it has a variable choke, which would then up it's value by about another $75. Also, if the Remington you are looking at has a ribbed skeet barrel, then the value is increased by yet another hundred and fifty dollars.
Remington does not show a 870 rifle on their web site. Do you mean the 870 Shotgun? the Remington 870 is one of the most popular shotguns in the us. this shotgun ranges from $300 for the basic model to $1000 for the fancy Wingmaster edition
One of the best sources for remington values is the book Blue book of gun values,by S.P.Fjestad.The most current edition is the thirty second edition.These can be had for around 30-35 dollars.
Standard grade Model 58 shotguns sell in the $175-$250 range.
what is the value of the Remington 1100
On the left side of the barrel you will find the date codes, which are a combination of letters. The serial number doesn't do a whole lot of good on Remington dates. Remington 1100 shotguns in 12ga will bring from $175-$350 depending on features and condition.
I owned a sweet sixteen in the late fifties and payed around $150.00 for it, new. It would depend on the shotguns condition. it was one of my first shotguns and would like to own another. Lenny Guerin
Remington Spartan 310 O/U shotguns, while on the lower end of the price scale of modern O/U shotguns holds it's resale price quite well. Retail price varies between $425-$550, depending upon where you bought it. In the used market, the Spartan retails between $325-$450 in 95% condition.
What is the value of a remington 1100 12ga serial # l869590v