what is the year made and value of ser. #'s 7g 10367 &236272 Belgium browning
Not a valid Browning serial number.
A Browning over and under is worth about $1,000-1,500 on it own and the fact that it's a Belgium made Browing increases the price significanly. I would say somewhere in the range of $500 to $750 more. The belgium made Browning is the most collectible and popular.
50-575 usd
100-1000 usd
50-5000 usd
If it was made in Belgium, it was a custom order. No way to estimate value. You will need the services of a professional firearms appraiser.
Browning's web site has a sn search function.
100-1000 usd
50-500 usd
100-1000 USD or more