if your handgun is a colt 1911 it was made by colt for the military in 1917.You would be better off having the gun looked at by a collector or expert to assign the value because of it,s age and condition.most colts of this age bring a nice amount depending on condition.
Impossible to value with only the serial number.
The last Colt Commando serial number was in the 50,000 range.
Serial number S04926
No way to value with just the serial number. Need a detailed description
Don't know value, but Colt national match .45 with that serial number was made in 1969.
about 1970
Impossible to value with just the serial number
Impossible to value with just the serila number.
Just about no way to value a weapon with just the serial number.
Impossible to value with only the serial number and no other information.
your colt trooper was produced in 1968.