Your Browning gold fusion shotgun which was made from 2001-2007 will bring between 260-400 dollars for a shotgun showing between 60%-90% of its original finish and a good bore.
50-350 usd
100-500 uSd
Are we talking about a auto-5 shotgun,or a BPS(browning pump shotgun),or a over-under shotgun(citori, or superposed)These answers would help me determine the value of your shotgun which was made in 1980.
50-600 uSD
70-700 usd
Based on description 100-500
50-500 usd
50-500 USD or so
2,100 dollars
How much is a Browning Sweet 16 gold trigger shotgun worth?
Depends on what application it was ported for and by what process.
55-550 usd