Anywhere from $50 to $300. It will depend on the model (there were seberal) and the condition. There is really not enough information to give you a better answer.
50-300 usd
50-300 usd
100-300 USD
Taurus produced its first handgun, a 38 Special, in 1941 and began exporting its revolvers to the U.S. market in 1968. They are still making them.
Forjas Taurus is headquartered in Brazil, with operations in Miami Florida. Most guns are made in Brazil.
SPESCO was not the maker- they were the importer of firearms made outside the US. It is POSSIBLE that your .38 Special was one of the early guns made by Taurus in Brazil. Value of the early guns is fairly low- about $75-$100, depending on condition.
25-75 USD
fabrique nationale & Taurus
Without more information; 50-300 USD
As far as firearms? Taurus and IMBEL are the big manufacturers there.