Depends on who made it and the condition. Value range of 100-500 USD.
condition of rifle is very good, it also has a 3x9 leipold (sp?) scope.
1994. You will have to call Browning to find out the model
Your rifle was made between 1992-1994.
Your Marlin model 336 rifle was made in the year 1994.
400 USD
depends on the make, model and condition.
Your rifle was made in either 1993,or 1994.
No value could be assigned to your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine which was made in the year 1917,without a much more detailed description of your rifles overall condition.The amount of original finish remaining and the bore condition.
Your Winchester model 9422 which was made in the the final year of production 1994 will bring between 350-500 dollars.
If you have the grade I limited edition centennial rifle,and it is unfired and with the original box,the value will be 995 dollars.If it has been fired and retains 95% of its original finish and a good bore then the value will be 650 dollars.If you happen to have the high grade model,then a rifle in unfired condition will bring 1,995 dollars,if fired and still retains 95%of the original condition,then it will be worth 1,200 dollars.
I would say that your Winchester model 94 rifle was made sometime between 1994-1995.
Your Marlin model 15YN little buckaroo single shot,which was made in the year 1994 will bring between 80-110 dollars in the condition that you describe.