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50-200 USD

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Q: What is the value of 1903 25 cal dreyse pocket pistol?
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What is selling price of 1903colt pocket pistol.32 caliber?

What is the value of 1903 colt pocket pistol.32 calibre?

How do you disassemble colt 1903 pocket pistol?

Best left to a gunsmith

How do you break down a colt 1903 rimless smokeless pocket pistol?

see here:

What year was it made and what is the value of a Colt 32 pistol serial 38142?

If the pistol is a model 1903 hammerless it was made in 1907 I cannot tell you the value.

What is the value of a 1903 colt automatic pistol 22 cal 7572?

made about 1904

What is the age of a colt 32 automatic pistol 1903 pocket hammerless serial number 248462?

About 92 years old, made in 1917.

What is the value of a 1897-1903 colt 32 pistol serial 387242?

100-1000 USD or so

What is the value of a 1903 Colt Hammerless 380 Pocket Model Serial 134628 in good condition?

value depends on overall condition..............

What is the value of a colt 1903 pocket hamerless with a serial number of 349982?

Just about no way to value a weapon with just the serial number.

Value of 1903 smokes hammerless 32 pistol ser 502917?

50-1000 USD or more depending on EXACLTY what you have.

What is the value of a Waltham railroad grade 17 jewel pocket watch serial number 12657607 circa 1903?


What is the value of a 1903 Mercedes pocket watch?

If it the widely spread replica, I doubt it would go for more than 10$