50-200 USD
what is this rifle worth?
It would be worth between $80 and $105 in good shape.
The company is worth millions.
Flayderman's Guide to Antiques
Benjamin made a model 1300 air pistol not a air rifle. It would be worth between $130-$155 in VG shape They were made between 1959-1964 They did make a 3100 air rifle... If you have a 1300 rifle then I do not know the value.....
It would be worth between $70 - $85
Good shape it's worth $350-$400 ( 400 in mint condition.)
how much is the carcano rifle worth
The value is the rifle is worth somewhere between $200 and $250. The exact amount will depend upon the condition of the rifle.
The value is the rifle is worth somewhere between $200 and $250. The exact amount will depend upon the condition of the rifle.