The value of ANY gun is based on the exact make, model, and condition. You are going to need a hands-on appraisal.
How old is a Winchester model 1892 s/n L31711 and what is its approx. value ?
Value of a 1892 2520 winchester
The 1892 Winchester (Model 92) was first produced in 1892 which makes the question unanswerable.
1892 Winchesters were not made in 357
1975' value depends on condition
Your Winchester model 1892 which was made in the year 1911 could have considerable value.If you happen to have a take down model,or a rifle with a octagon barrel and in overall good condition.This could bring in excess of ,2000 dollars.I would have a member of the Winchester collectors assoc.evaluate your model 1892 and assess a accurate value to your rifle.
I assume you refer to a Colt Single Action. Your SAA made in 1892. Value will depend of condition at this time..................
$2175 +/_ depending on condition
100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics