The value of a gun is based on exact make, model and condition. Those guns were not originally nickel plated, and will have lost most of their collector's value. You would need an in person exam of the pistol for an accurate answer.
A few hundred to multiple thousands of USD depending on EXACTLY what you have.
Yes. I have one my Dad brought back from the war.
and the question is ?????????????
Hands-on appraisal by a firearms dealer who specialises in Curio & Relic firearms is the best course to go.
luger production ceased about 1942. the P38 took over as the German military pistol during WW2..................any luger made after WW2 were after market pistols.
The value depends on overall condition. If you have a P38, then you don't have a luger. They both fire the 9mm luger cartridge though.
250 or so
No, just use same ammunition
The name "P38" is a slang term, and not an official name. The original P38 was the German 9mm Pistol (P) made in 1938 (38). The name was borrowed for the C-Ration opener. Still have mine on my dogtags!
about as much as your mother is to me!
100-1000 depending on specifics.