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Q: What is the use of apps to obtain opinions on products from other people?
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Is the use of apps to obtain opinions on products from other people?


Which do you think are more useful to consumers in ads-facts or opinions?

Every consumer is different and when it comes to advertising it is the same thing. Some people really respond to facts about products while others really value the opinions about the products, one is not better than that other.

Why can't people form their own opinions?

There are so many reasons as to why can't people form their own opinions. This is mainly as a result of other strong factors that influence the opinions of most people.

What is allodoxaphobia?

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people's opinions.

Example of values?

Valuing other people's opinions?

How do other people see you?

I think people see you as you see yourself in the mirror but reversed, people can only make opinions on what you look like, that's their opinions though!

Why is it important to give other people the opportunity to contribute their ideas and opinions and show that you have taken account of these?

Allowing others to contribute their ideas and opinions fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation within a team or group. It creates a sense of inclusivity, empowers individuals to feel valued and heard, and leads to more well-rounded and effective decision-making processes. Showing that you have taken account of these contributions builds trust, strengthens relationships, and boosts morale and engagement among team members.

What was the main goal of the coastal African kingdoms that were part of the slave trade?

To obtain guns and other products from Europe

Public opinion surveys suggest that Americans?

Get their opinions from other people

Why must countries trade with other?

To obtain products, services, and natural resources that otherwise would not be available.

How will learning about the world we live in help you personally?

Learning about the world we live in can help you personally by expanding your knowledge, increasing your understanding and empathy for others, broadening your perspective, and helping you make more informed decisions in various aspects of your life. It can also enrich your experiences and help you appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around you.

What are the different products being sold by guru3d?

Guru3d sells electronic products for use in computers. This includes things like video cards, processors, motherboards, and graphics cards. They also provide opinions on how other products work.