Barrel length is usually 20 to 26in, but can be custom depending the environment.
Bolt action.
To get sniper rifle you must have a commando which has a sniper rifle and a knife !!
i belief its a sniper rifle that is by Remington
A paintball sniper rifle can shoot father.
A paintball sniper rifle can shoot father.
It is believed that sniper rifles were invented around 1857 with the advent of the Enfield rifle. This rifle was then surpassed by the Whitworth rifle which became the first long range sniper rifle.
A sniper cannot function without a rifle with which to snipe, nor can a rifle function without someone to fire it. The question is a bit redundant.
The Enfield SA-80 is a assault rifle carbine from Great Britain. It is not a sniper rifle.
A "sniper rifle" is simply a rifle employed for that purpose. So long as the "sniper rifle" meets the criteria and restrictions for hunting firearms in the state you're hunting in, you can use it.
A sniper rifle is a precision rifle that has a telescopic sight which allows operators to target an object that is far in the distance. Sniper rifles are used in military combat.
Marine Scout Sniper Rifle was created in 1996.