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The word after "paper" deeply confused me, in fact I had to go to a mental institution for several months because of that sort of misspelling. Please learn to spell before asking such poppycock.

P.S. I knew the answer but I would never give it to a hooligan such as yourself.

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Q: What is the trick to rock paper siccor?
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How do I win the Quick Rock, Paper, and Scissors game?

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What beats what in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock?

Rock beats scissors. scissors beats paper. paper beats rock. lizard beats spock. spock beats scissors ,paper,rock.

Why does paper beat rock in a game of rock paper scissors?

It comes from an ancient Chinese tradition where when a request was sent to the ruler on a piece of "paper" or the equivalent at the time, the rock was placed over the paper if the request was accepted, the paper was draped over the rock, indicating defeat of the request, if the request was rejected. Hence, paper over rock = defeat.

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Rock-Paper-Sumo was created in 2010.

When did Rock-Paper-Sumo happen?

Rock-Paper-Sumo happened in 2010.

Why does paper beat rock in rock paper scissors?

It comes from an ancient Chinese tradition where when a request was sent to the ruler on a piece of "paper" or the equivalent at the time, the rock was placed over the paper if the request was accepted, the paper was draped over the rock, indicating defeat of the request, if the request was rejected. Hence, paper over rock = defeat.

Where is rock paper scissors popular?

In rock companies, paper companies and scissor companies

What are the controlled variables in the game scissors paper rock?

1. It's rock paper scissors 2. Read the title for the variables

How do you make a house out of paper?

The trick is to make a strong base.