The total is 21.
The probability of rolling a odd number on a standard die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.You don't say with what, so I assume with a standard six sided die. The probability of rolling an odd number with a standard six sided die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.
A standard die has no memory and so the probability of rolling an even number is always a half. If you did not know that the die was standard and were using the fact that 7 out of 12 rolls were even as an empirical estimate for a loaded die then the answer is 7/12.
It is 0.5
A standard six-sided die has 3 even numbers and 3 odd ones, so the probability of rolling either an odd or even number would be 50-50.
There are 21 pips on standard dice, with each side displaying a different number of pips ranging from 1 to 6.
The spots on dice are called pips. Pips are the small dots or markings on each face of a die that indicate the number represented by that face. The number of pips on each face of a die varies depending on the type of die being used, such as a standard six-sided die or a twelve-sided die. The pips are crucial for determining the outcome of a roll and are designed to be evenly distributed across the faces of the die for fairness.
21 dots on a dice
Pips can be parts of apples and tomatoes, or the small circles on the sides of a die.
Josef 'Pips' Priller died on May 20, 1961 at the age of 45.
If you mean 'How many SPOTS (aka pips) are on a die', the answer is : 6+5+4+3+2+1 = 21 pips per die.
The total is 21.
If you mean 'How many SPOTS (aka pips) are on a die', the answer is : 6+5+4+3+2+1 = 21 pips per die.
On a standard six-sided die, there are 21 dots (or "pips".) Each side ranges from one to six, with oppposite sides adding up to seven. (The six is oppsite the one, the five is opposite the two, and the four is opposite the three.)
The probability of rolling a odd number on a standard die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.You don't say with what, so I assume with a standard six sided die. The probability of rolling an odd number with a standard six sided die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.
The probability of rolling a odd number on a standard die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.You don't say with what, so I assume with a standard six sided die. The probability of rolling an odd number with a standard six sided die is 3 in 6, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.
A standard die has no memory and so the probability of rolling an even number is always a half. If you did not know that the die was standard and were using the fact that 7 out of 12 rolls were even as an empirical estimate for a loaded die then the answer is 7/12.