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How long is a string? I have some rifles that are 26 inches long, and some that are 72 inches. Depends on which rifle.

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Q: What is the total length of a rifle?
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How long is the m14?

The M14 rifle has a total length of 46.5 inches (1,181 millimeters) and a barrel length of 22 inches.

What is the length of a rifle barrel that measures 172mm?

The length of a rifle barrel that measures 172mm is 6.77 inches.

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It depends.. if you have a carbine length barrel and will be using it on a rifle with a carbine length barrel, then yes. If you took it from a rifle with a rifle length barrel, and are putting it on a rifle with a carbine length barrel, then it won't function properly.

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The dimensions of an M4 rifle are approximately 33 inches in length with a barrel length of about 14.5 inches.

What is the legal barrel length of a rifle in Ohio?

In Ohio, the legal minimum barrel length for a rifle is 16 inches. Any rifle with a barrel length shorter than that would be considered a short-barreled rifle, which is regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

What is the difference between a rifle and a carbine?

A carbine is a type of rifle.

What is the average length of a 22 rifle?

Impossible to answer without knowing the exact rifle.

What is the maximum length of a rifle?

This all depends on the calibre of said rifle make and model :)

What is Legal barrel length for rifle in Vermont?

The minimum legal barrel length for a rifle without requiring it to be tax stamped and registered as a Short Barreled Rifle is 16 inches - that's federal law, and not just Vermont.

What does x54 mean in a rifle cartrige?

Cartridge length (in millimeters).

What is the minimum rifle length in Florida?

If a rifle has a total length of less than 26 inches, or a barrel length less than 16 inches, under FEDERAL law it is a Class III firearm, and in the same legal class as a machnegun. "Short Barreled Rifles" must be registered with the Federal BATFE, and a transfer tax paid on them. Possession of an unregistered SBR carries substantial penaties including prison time.

What is the average overall length of a rifle?

Well, friend, the average overall length of a rifle can vary depending on the type and model. Generally speaking, most rifles range from about 36 to 46 inches in length. Remember, it's not about the size of the rifle, but how you use it to create beautiful art on the canvas of the great outdoors.