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That would depend on the make and model of the shotgun in question,and the length of the barrel/barrels that came with the shotgun.

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Q: What is the total legal length of a shotgun and its barrals?
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What is the shortest legal length of a shotgun barrel in ill?

18 inches and a total overall length of at least 26 inches, just like in the rest of the US.

What is the legal overall length of a shotgun in Ohio?

A barrel no shorter than 18 inches in length. The overal total length of the firearm cannnot be less than 26 inches from the tip of the muzzle to the end of the buttstock.

If a Browning A-5 shotgun has a 22 barrel what is the total length of the shotgun?

A little over 36"

What is the total length of a a Belgium browning Shotgun?

@ 40" or so depending on LOP and Barrel length.

What you is the total length of a shotgun?

Your question is poorly worded and there is no way to tell what you want to know.

What is the legal length for a modified shotgun in Washington state and can anybody do it?

the barrel has to be at least 18 inches the gun must be a total of 29 inches watch your self with this it could get you in a lot of trouble. and yes anyone can do this if you want it to be shorter you will have to pay a 200$ tax to the ATF and classify it as an sbs or short barrled shotgun

What is preimeter?

It is the total length "outline" of a figure. For example, the total length of the outline of a square, its perimeter, is the total length of the four sides of the square.

What are the laws for a sawed off shotgun in WI?

Same as the federal law. Barrel length must be a minimum of 18 inches, and the total overall length must be 26 inches minimum. Anything less than that, and you must first obtain an NFA Class II permit.

What is the total length of a 30-30 cartridge?

maximum case length 2.039". so it will depend on the bullet you use for total length.

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The bat must not be more than 4.25 inches (108 mm) wide and the total length of the bat not more than 38 inches (970 mm).

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It has a total length of 40 miles

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The total length of roads in Toronto is approximately 5,600 kilometers.