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The top of a barn is called the Floiurtpe.[flu ert pe]

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is the top window part of a barn called?
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What is the area at the top of the window that displays the file name?

If you are referring to the title at the top of the window it is called a "Title Bar"

What do you call the top part of a window opposite of where the sill is?

The horizontal parts of a window are the sill on the bottom, and the head on the top. On the sides, running vertically, are the jambs.

What is the top part and bottom part of a wave called?

The top part of a wave is called the crest, while the bottom part is called the trough.

Where is the crown in Walter Wick's Can you see what I see Once upon a time?

It’s in the window at the very top. Not in the window frame, but part of the window. It has dots on it.

What is the top part of a tornado called?

The top part of a tornado is called "the top"

Which bird out of a barn owl a thrush and a wood pigeon is a top predator?

Barn owl.

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office button

If the bottom part of your hand is the palm then what is the top of your hand called?

The bottom part of your hand is the Palmar sideand the top part is the Dorsal side.

What is the top of a shirt called?

The top part of a shirt is called the collar. It is the part that goes around the neck area.

The bottom part of a fraction is called what?

Denominator. The top part is called the numerator.

What is the top part of a wave called..?

The top part of a wave is called the crest. It is the highest point of the wave above the rest position.